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Reduce Buying Friction and Increase Website Conversions

Friction changes behaviour. But, what does that mean? Digital friction is any complexity that the customer faces while interacting with your brand. Almost 98% of leads on-site don’t convert which means that there is a lot of friction we as marketers need to reduce. 

Low friction equals high conversion and high loyalty. This means that you might need to motivate them to go from one step to another. Here are three tips to reduce buying friction for your customers through neuromarketing insights:

1) Think like your customer

Do they have the time to fill out lengthy forms or is it really necessary for them to subscribe to your emailers before they read the content of your website? Reduce the complexity of your checkout or form fill process. If you don’t need to know that information immediately, don’t ask for it.

2) Focus on your customer’s unconscious needs

Target your user’s unconscious needs as well as their conscious ones. An unconscious need is the underlying, hidden desire that drives the reasons for what people do. For example, someone may have a conscious need to clean their apartment, with an unconscious need to declutter so they can focus on their work.

3) Turn your customer pain points into opportunities 

Identify the customer’s pain point for that product and simply point out how that product will solve their unique problem. For example, going for a vacation to the Maldives is going to be expensive so instead of focusing on the price, sell the activities, the place and most importantly the feeling one will have after this fantastic trip. 

Your marketing efforts won’t drive results if your customer experiences friction whether it’s on social media or on your website. When a customer is not allowed to feel instant satisfaction they are unlikely to purchase your product. So, don’t forget to use these neuromarketing tips to convert your potential customer into a (frictionless) lead. If you are stuck and don’t know how to proceed, then get in touch with our expert consultants.

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